Have U ever been lonesome?
They join the conversation that has turned to the usual, how to keep their Parents and Friends, active, healthy? How to attract new members?
More dances! male member offers.
Too expensive. And who is going to do all the work? Board Member in charge of Adult Entertainment rebuts. But suddenly his tone changes, the creases on his forehead disappear. Smiling he adds, however the Wine & Whimseys are doing very well. Great turn out this week.
Linda smiles, I think it’s ‘cause is the one activity for parents only. It gives ua a break.
Everyone relaxes. Then back to reality with comments from woman member, I agree, no more dances. Ha! the last one, how many came? And she is thinking of all the expense she went through, baby sitter, gas, parking, new dress, beauty parlor, for what? Danced once only, all evening.
More children's activities! a shy woman’s voice suggests.
We aren’t successful with those either. Woman Board member in charge of Children's Parties Committee offers in a resigned voice.
Leaving aside the shop talk Ana and Linda, survey the room. The sunken living room in the first level was large, beautiful. The house located in one of the plushest neighborhoods in Burlingame is elegant. Every activity takes place at a different location, so the homes vary from elegant to modest, to rented recreation rooms in apartment buildings. Next, they survey the faces in the group. Some persons had come in while they were ............................
...............while they were..............¿what????????? What are Anita and Linda up to?