Tuesday, December 25, 2012


                              photo by Koii Benvenutto-Turner

I wish all Health, laughter, lots of fun moments, prosperity, caring
                friends 2 end 2012 with & enjoy through 2013. And,

SHARE INFO of inexpensive places 2 stay at, eat, buy anything, get medical attention in your prt of the world.  And know there is:

HELP 4 those having difficulty with “the holidays.” From Pacifica Tribune, December 19. 1)  24-hr crisis 650-579-0350   Parent Support 888-220-7575  Alcohol & Drug 650-573-3950.  2) For teens www.onyourmind.net.  3) PYSB 650-355-3900 x 226  www.youthservicebureau.org    Questions: pysbinfo@ymcasf.net

Also know that all SAFEWAYs r not created equal, like their Chicken Bucket, 8 pieces 4 $7.57 r not always big, succulent, crispy-juicy, so shop around. SAFEWAY’s bst Chicken Bucket, is @ Manor market in Pacifica. ENJOY.


Saturday, December 22, 2012


by sharing INFO of inexpensive places 2 stay at, eat, buy anything, get medical attention in your prt of the world. 

And helping with unique gift ideas like this: EROTIC, ETHNIC, EDGY, bilingual stories 2 spice the life of friends, relatives, coworkers, especially if their unemployment run out?  My books! will last them longer than today’s 401Ks. Best deal in town ‘cause Camincha pays the txs. Also want 2 produce them in stage, small &/or big screen? Preview, c on COLLECTION of STORIES & POEMS @ caminchabenvenutto.com & let’s talk. 
camincha@comcast.net                     FB                        650 359 0890

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


by sharing INFO of inexpensive places 2 stay at, eat, buy anything, get medical attention etc. in your prt of the world.

Meantime know that all SAFEWAYs r not created equal, like their Chicken Bucket, 8 pieces 4 $7.57 r not always big, succulent, crispy-juicy, so shop around.

SAFEWAY’s Chicken Bucket, the bst r @ Manor market in Pacifica.  ENJOY.

 2 go JOB HUNTING U need 2 look Ur best so 4 a price U can afford go 2 Supercuts   Hair cuts lowest prices. To find the 1 nearest U supercuts.com  Also need gd looking clothes  2  fit  Ur humble  budget?  Try 2nd hand storeseverywhere. They r excellent.  My favorite is @ 17St & Mission in San Francisco. Opened daily.

NO JOB YET?  But U need 2 eat?  Go 2  a Safeway—the largest ones hv the most variety in low prices,  2 for 1, Frozen main course  $1,  8 chicken roasted pieces $5.
Also Farmer Markets @ closing time  r  willing 2 sell their gds @ minimum  prices & or in exchange 4 help closing up.
JOBS  available @ Mission Cultural Center.
missionculturalcenter.com  2868 Mission St San Francisco  One block from 24St  BART     415 821 1155.

JOBS The Blackwell Files specializes in Real People talent…that means you!  talent@blackwellfiles.com.

JOBS  Part-time, full-time, temporary, voluntary, for all seasons teen job 13,14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 year old and older.   www.hireteen.com/

PLS. pass these on............

Saturday, December 1, 2012



Pls share info re places 4 low price eating, groceries, medical services, housing….

JOBS  This from Mel C Thompson, Trader Joes is opening a new store on California and Hyde, San Francisco--they're hiring.

Urgent care. Jorge Salinas, cks in sharing: Coastside FREE 2 uninsured. Wed eve 5pm-7:30 @ 225 S. Cabrillo Highway, Half Moon Bay.
Free Clinic.  Andrés Montparness shares that there is a Rotocare Free Clinic in Seton Medical Center, 1900 Sullivan Av Daly City, every monday eve 5:30 – 7: pm  Radiation Oncology Dept. Also immunization clinics every 4th Monday of the month. Translators available. Call 991 6046 for more information.

JOBS  check pw.org  Poets & Writers
Call 1-877-4AID-VET For Homeless & At-Risk Veteran Help & Resources.

JOBS  available @ Mission Cultural Center.  missionculturalcenter.com  2868 Mission St San Francisco  One block from 24St  BART     415 821 1155.JOBS available @  The Blackwell Files specializes in Real People talent…that means you!  talent@blackwellfiles.com.
JOBS available @   Part-time, full-time, temporary, voluntary, for all seasons teen job 13,14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 year old and older.   www.hireteen.com/
 2 go JOB HUNTING U need 2 look Ur best so 4 a price U can afford go 2 Supercuts   Hair cuts lowest prices. To find the 1 nearest U supercuts.com  Also need gd looking clothes  2  fit Ur humble  budget?  Try 2nd hand stores everywhere. They r excellent.  My favorite is @ 17St & Mission in San Francisco. Opened daily.
U need 2 eat?  Go 2  a Safeway—the largest ones hv the most variety in low prices,  2 for 1, Frozen main course  $1,  8 whole pieces roasted chicken $7.
PLS. pass these on............