HEALTH TIPS THAT WORK 4 ME: Resarch symptoms, old medical encyclopedias, in libraries, r very reliable––people didn't use 2 ran 2 dctrs like they do now. Lately followng my own idea found I was deficient in iodine. Do U know it is 2 b found in common cookng salt & ocean water. Swimming! look frwrd 2 it very, very much. U b sure 2 resarch thoroughly all Ur pains & aches.
As promsd: Once upon a time we hd in hill bck of our house what we thought was puppy Golden Retriever. It wasn't. The coyote grew comng & going frm the hill. Missy, our little cat, when felt mean could make him retrace his steps 1/2 way up. In warm dys sun bathed in our back yard. We fed him scraps frm butcher shop in town. The story of the coyote was cause 4 much fun 2 the butchers: Coyote eat gd today, ha! Did Coyote like steaks......? 1 day he dissapeared. Missed him terribly, wish him well. Many months later reappeared, hardly recognized him. He hd been abused cruelly, hs neck bleedng, old, coverd by sores, pieces of fur missng, weak, blind. The old routine was restablishd. Never fully recupertd. 1 dy left, we were told, He went 2 die among his own.
Next: Book review.
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