Monday, April 26, 2010

Writer Writing against SB 1070:


We are a protest that screams

tearing the silence of conformity.

We are a protest that screams

revealing our talents: contributions

to progress, peace, innovation, solidarity,

like a magenta flower, an aphrodisiac

we seduce with ideas, its perfume

wrapping you, in bright elixir swaying

opinions with its maddening scent.

We are a protest that screams

memories brought with our luggage

from other lands: Flower petals hidden

between pages, of a book. Letters

turned dried-up-ink-flakes on worn

out paper. Broken doll, childhood

companion. Mother’s watch with worn

out silk band. Father’s moment of glory

in faded yellowed photo. Veil and

ribbons of most Sacred Day, of her

First Holy Communion. Prayer book

with blessed stamps of Guardian Angel

wings spread out protecting little girl.

We are a protest that screams

against organized Holiness, organized

Glories, organized Truths, Frauds.

We are a protest that screams

tearing the silence of conformity.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Writer Writing. HEALTH TIPS.... NEXT: bk review.

Writr wrtng: REMNANTS, a collctn of memrs in qck snpshts. A momnt, a day @ a time. When strung togethr will tell of decades pst & life bfr cell phons, i-anythng, clikng. What? Was ther evr..........? Yes. 4 prevw read, Born Again, Open Letter to my Imperfect Parents, Mischivious Neighbors, & othrs @: The Affaire @

HEALTH TIPS THAT WORK 4 ME: Frozen foods. Gv us excellnt quality. Prices 4 2dys budgts, $1.-$2 per entree, brnd labls on sale. Compare prices itms U lookng 4. FF ingrdnts selectd in prime conditns. Research info, FF r held by FDA 2 higher stndrds of all. Enjoy.

NEXT: Recomnd, A DRAFTING LIFE by Yoshihiro Tatsumi. ".......all at once an inside's history of manga, a mordant cultural tour of post......." Told in magnificnt graphic art.

Friday, April 9, 2010

EXTRA!...... WRITR.......... HEALTH TIPS..... NEXT:......

EXTRA: Tiger playng bst game ever.

This wrtr read: El Cojo y el Loco/The Cripple and the Mad Man, by Peruvian Jaime Bayly. & hv 2 ask, How did it get it publshd? 4 bst I can say abot El Cojo is, the story is well organized, 4 Bayly just fills pgs & pgs w/the grossest of vocablrs & ovr & ovr, with the oversize of El Cojo's sxual apparats. I wntd 2 knw why? So researchd ths & found Bayly wrote El Cojo durng a time whn, he said in intrvw 2 El Comercio: ".....I have a decline in sexual appetite.......I believe it is because of the pills I take, because I take them to sleep, to not sleep, to feel good, to not get depressed and many of them diminish the libido." Ans: The book is a cry 4 what Bayly didn't hv at the moment. & El Cojo cries 4 the colors, flavors, smells, the depht & liricism of Bayly's Don't Tell Anybody & The Last Days of La Prensa.

HEALTH TIPS THAT WORK 4 ME: 2 b mor strict w/myself. 2 weight myself often, keep track. Highly recommend it. Then when He/She says, U look beautifl we can believe it.

NEXT: Tell U abot bk I lovd readng.