EXTRA: Tiger playng bst game ever.
This wrtr read: El Cojo y el Loco/The Cripple and the Mad Man, by Peruvian Jaime Bayly. & hv 2 ask, How did it get it publshd? 4 bst I can say abot El Cojo is, the story is well organized, 4 Bayly just fills pgs & pgs w/the grossest of vocablrs & ovr & ovr, with the oversize of El Cojo's sxual apparats. I wntd 2 knw why? So researchd ths & found Bayly wrote El Cojo durng a time whn, he said in intrvw 2 El Comercio: ".....I have a decline in sexual appetite.......I believe it is because of the pills I take, because I take them to sleep, to not sleep, to feel good, to not get depressed and many of them diminish the libido." Ans: The book is a cry 4 what Bayly didn't hv at the moment. & El Cojo cries 4 the colors, flavors, smells, the depht & liricism of Bayly's Don't Tell Anybody & The Last Days of La Prensa.
HEALTH TIPS THAT WORK 4 ME: 2 b mor strict w/myself. 2 weight myself often, keep track. Highly recommend it. Then when He/She says, U look beautifl we can believe it.
NEXT: Tell U abot bk I lovd readng.
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