Writer invites U: 2 ¡Jarana! 2 celebrate Avotcja’s birthday where I'll b reading my LOVE POEMS ‘cause that’s what Avotcja likes. Plus singers, musicians, dancers,a capella chorus @ 3105 Shattuck & Prince. Take BART 2 Ashby station then 2 blcks 2 La Peña. C U there.
HEALTH TIPS THAT WORK 4 ME: 2 know that we don't hv 2 die of any disease. So U come down with somethng??!!! Don't panick. Research it. Figure out what U r eatng, drinkng that is causng Ur symptns. Draw frm Ur inner sanctum strength 2 change Ur habits, start NOW. & good health 2 U.
Next: I recomnd, The Ascent of Money, a beautifully written, informative book, full of historical, scientific facts abot the history of money, written by British author Niall Ferguson......"traces the evolution of money and demonstrates that financial history is the essential back-story behind all history." U'll love it, that's a promise.
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