…we who diet have a never ceasing obligation to those who starve....
Robert Kennedy

Very sorry, THE DIET, is late! First installment won't be posted for at least, one more week, we are trying for April 9th.
Well, isn't that just like a "diet"? Has anyone ever known someone who said, I'm going on a diet. And did?
It doesn't happen.
Look forward to hearing from YOU. As always, your comments are needed, wanted. Without them, I starve.
I wish you celery and carrot sticks,
Scarlet wrote; The letters in the word "diet"can be made into more words such as "tie" , "edit", "id.", and :e.i." The word that can be made from "diet" is "die" which keeps me from dieting. We eat to live.
Camincha: what a powerful message. U r immensely appreciated. Taking the time.......! look forward to more. Yes, I'm insatiable for thoughts that make me think & wonder.
When I saw your email, I thought of this: Instant Calorie-Cutter
"Women unconsciously chow down on hundreds of calories while cooking meals," says dietitian Somer. "We finish our kids' scrambled eggs, taste the sauce not once but several times, grab a bite of last night's leftovers while rummaging through the fridge for tonight's meal, munch on a cookie while stirring the stir-fry!" The damage: You can put away as many calories from this form of nibbling as you would sitting down to a full meal. To discourage all that nibbling while satisfying the urge to munch, chew sugarless gum while you're cooking and cleaning up the kitchen. The calories saved could easily add up to a half-pound or more of weight loss a week.
Camincha: Judy, Thankx a million for taking the time. Sharing your point of view. I look forward to many, many, many more of the same. U r sooooooooo appreciated!!!!!!
When I saw your email, I thought of this: Instant Calorie-Cutter
"Women unconsciously chow down on hundreds of calories while cooking meals," says dietitian Somer. "We finish our kids' scrambled eggs, taste the sauce not once but several times, grab a bite of last night's leftovers while rummaging through the fridge for tonight's meal, munch on a cookie while stirring the stir-fry!" The damage: You can put away as many calories from this form of nibbling as you would sitting down to a full meal. To discourage all that nibbling while satisfying the urge to munch, chew sugarless gum while you're cooking and cleaning up the kitchen. The calories saved could easily add up to a half-pound or more of weight loss a week.
Camincha: Judy, Thankx a million for taking the time. Sharing your point of view. I look forward to many, many, many more of the same. U r sooooooooo appreciated!!!!!!
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