…we who diet have a never ceasing obligation to those who starve–– Robert Kennedy
Friday, May 30
2 lbs to go. Wonderful.
I’m closer to my goal than I’ve been in a long time. And found a couple of messages of possible roommates. And I’m socializing a lot, dating. Want to date others before I call Larry. Want to work at a better profile, firmer flesh, better fitting clothes. At the mirror last night. I admired myself long, caressed my thighs thinking of Larry. Today have to work in another law office.
Walking downtown I’m aware of the contrasts. Beggars, plush department store windows, elegant people. Beggars. Old woman begging, sitting on the sidewalk leaning her back against the grey cement wall of Nordstroms. Hand outstretched, back of her head reached just to the edge of store window where shoned a table exquisitely set: lace table cloth, sterling silver, crystal, fresh flowers, completing the picture, bottles of wine in silver coolers. Beggars.
My assignment over. At home I’m taking a nap ‘cause I’m going out tonight. At nine Tessa will pick me up. She’s quite bossy If I’m not ready she’ll give me a sermon. Her good side? always ready to go dancing. We are going to Señor Pepe in Foster City and will meet friends there. I’ll order The Usual, will not touch the hors-d' oeuvres specially the chips and hot sauce. I know if I taste one, wont be able to stop.
U believe they r really fattening? But fat can b gd also! Where is the truth? What do U think?
Till next Sun. C U then.
Always waiting, hoping, seeing the better life, fit, shape. You get it for a moment...then it's gone. Diets are exercises is temp. self-control. Too excrutiating to keep going. cindybiggsweiss
Wise words. Ohhhhhh!!!!!!!! Deep words. A lot 2 think about. U hv me reading & rereading. Thnk U Cindy, 4 taking the time. Thnk U 4 sharing.
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