Thursday, April 16, 2009

Got 2 exc phone

calls frm dear frnds & smhw, him & I, 'cause ltly I been redng about Eisten, we tched on "time dosn't exist, mankind [I say womankind] made it up." Nxt call, cause she is planing 2 vist Perú, whr I was brn & grw up & lv & knw a lt abot, we talkd abot many,many sbjcts, incldng Fujimore, & whn I thnk of hm & his relatn 2 Perú I thnk of Otello sayng 2 Desdemona: Forgive me for having loved you, not too well but to much...........

HEALTH TIPS THAT WORK 4 ME:  Makes me vry helthy 2 say THNK U. So 2 all of U frm my heart, vagina & othr prts of me:  I say THNK U 4 reading, well clkng ths B, prhps by mstke,

but it counts, &  look frwrd 2 Ur comnts.  MERCI BEAUCOUP.  THNK U. MIL GRACIAS. 

Love U wherever U r

Next: + abot re-using. Frgv me 4 dsgrsng 2dy.



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