Saturday, April 18, 2009

Most thnkfl!!!!

4 th .10m hd on Avotcja's prgrm ystrdy. I'm honrd &  hmble, tht ths talntd womn thnks of me & 4 sevrl yrs invts me again & again.  Vry grtfl. Read 3 love pms. In lvng ths lvly lady sd w'll call me 2 arang my rdng 1hr/1/2 hr. Look frwrd 2 that.

HEALTH TIPS THAT WORK 4 ME: Less is more. Try it: LESS. As in smlr portns. U mght not blv it: U'll hv mr energy. U'll hv more clths. What? Yes. 'Cause U'll b able 2 wear all th ones U didn't fit into bfr. U'll hv mr tim 'cause as Ur face thns out won't hv 2 spnd so much time in frnt of mirr 2 look gd. OK? OK. Now add Ur own 2 ths list. & carry on.......

Love U wherever U r
Next: don't really know yet. Any ideas?

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