Friday, July 22, 2011

CAVEAT: What I've posted about the poem & job hunting, I believe to be true.

Learned to read at three. Found great pleasure in it. Found poetry, and this poem-–don't remember the title––became one of my favorites, read it first in Spanish, in Miraflores. Many years later, in English, in San Francisco.
Today, I searched for the title & turns out the poem I attributed to RLS is not the one he titled: I Will Make You Brooches And.....So, no name, still, this morng want to share it with U:

Read it in Miraflores:
Yo te haré, joyas para tu deleite, en la mañana
te las haré con el canto de los pájaros y en la noche,
en la noche, con el suave fulgor de las estrellas.

Years later in San Francisco:
I will make you, jewels for your delight, in the morning
I shall make them with the singing of the birds
and at night, at night, with the soft glow
of the stars.

Job hunting: Is a job. YES. Set your mind to think about it as: Evenings, make a schedule. In the morning, make changes if needed. Not necessary? Proceed as planned. Home in the eve, or away from computer & phone. Then, plan the next day, & on & on. It's a job. Good luck.

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